Common Problems. Common Problems 3 Small

What Can Osteopaths Treat?

Osteopaths treat the person not the condition. Osteopathic principles and techniques can be used to remove the impediments to healthy function by improving mobility and blood circulation so that tissues in the affected area can benefit and the body can be restored to a state of physical balance. Patients often report improvement in many areas of their health.

The Advertising Standards Agency will only allow osteopaths mention conditions where the efficacy has been proven by large scale clinical trials. This data is not available for many conditions that patients report improvement in, so they may not be mentioned here.

Please contact us if you want to find out whether osteopathy is likely to be able to help you.

Common Problems. Simon Hands Small Small

It is also possible to affect the Nervous System, calming the pain and stress response, by working through the spine, the cranium (head) and sacrum or any other part of the body.

Conditions of the face and head:
tooth ache
TMJ (jaw pain)
ear infections –
can also benefit from mobility and improved tissue function.

"Not only was the treatment comforting and relaxing, but I noticed a huge improvement in my back".
D O'Driscoll, Patient

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